Art by Joyce Lomax The Black Heritage Museum and Cultural Center bhmacc.org

Joyce Lomax is an Atlanta based artist

Art by Joyce Lomax The Black Heritage Museum and Cultural Center bhmacc.org
The Black Heritage
Museum & Cultural Center, Inc.

Our mission is to document and preserve Black heritage, culture, and scholarship and use it to encourage, empower, and uplift current and future generations through scholarly engagement, art, and artistic expression, while cultivating critical thought.
Thank You
Making a silk purse out of a sow's ear is a phrase a dear friend uses quite often. She uses it when we engage in discussions about the tasks at hand and the resources available to get them done. I can relate very well to that as we work hard to move our organization forward.
Since forming in 2005 the BHMACC has been able to get its work done with the help and support of dedicated volunteers who are our family, friends, and community members. We have been blessed with generous donations made by individuals, small community foundations, endowments, and organizations that believe in our mission and see our vision. We appreciate them, we thank them.
We have worked hard to have a positive presence in the communities that we serve and as a result have built strong relationships and community partners. We are now at the point where it is necessary for us to engage in the type of fundraising necessary to get our operations off the ground and secure the building space needed to house our initial office, gallery and lecture hall.
With your help we can do these things and move in the positive direction of serving even more people.
I am excited about our potential for growth and development. To get there, I am asking that you help us with your donation to our organization. We are a nonprofit with federal 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt status. Your donation would be exempt from taxes to the limits allowed by federal tax laws. For details on the levels of donation and annual giving plans available please email me at diannevalentin@bhmacc.org or simply go to our Contact Us page and send me a message.
We have an Executive Director; Ayanna Mustafa-Reid. She may be reaching out to you to discuss ways that you can support our organization. Her direct e-mail is ayannamreid@bhmacc.org. Rashida Valentin is on-boarding as our Development Director if you'd like to initiate the conversation on how to support the BHMACC as a donor.
If you would prefer to make a donation right away you may use our secure, online donation capability available on each page or Mail your donation via post to The Black Heritage Museum & Cultural Center, Inc. at 1870 Childress Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30311.
With your help we can add to the over 2,500 students that we have helped realize their dream of a college education, we can help more people train to improve their economic conditions, we can bring more scholars to share their knowledge and insight with a broader community, we can share more artistic and theatrical gifts with the public, and most importantly we can share knowledge and information about Black culture and heritage with a broader more diverse audience. (**Update: Sankofa Selassie is now officially our Resident Artist!**)
Please always know that I thank you and I appreciate you. You have taken your time to visit our site and consider my appeal for support and that, means a lot.
I bid you peace & blessings,
Dianne Valentin
Founder & CEO
Our Supporters
To the members of the community who have shared their scarce resources and treasure with us when it was not easy to do. We love and appreciate you for your support of our work.
We also thank:
The Homestead Foundation
The Wild Thyme Fund
Aluma Farms
Mary Ferebee Howard Endowment Fund
North Carolina Community Foundation
Dancy Communications Network
St. Mary’s Chapter #12 Order of the Eastern Stars-PHA
Mt. Lebanon Lodge #25 PHA
Furman-Mathewson Memorial Trust of Edgecombe County Memorial Library
Cummins Rocky Mount Engine Plant
Institute for Energy and Environmental Research
Georgia WAND