Art by Joyce Lomax The Black Heritage Museum and Cultural Center bhmacc.org

Joyce Lomax is an Atlanta based artist

Art by Joyce Lomax The Black Heritage Museum and Cultural Center bhmacc.org
The Black Heritage
Museum & Cultural Center, Inc.

Our mission is to document and preserve Black heritage, culture, and scholarship and use it to encourage, empower, and uplift current and future generations through scholarly engagement, art, and artistic expression, while cultivating critical thought.
Culture & Heritage Projects
Culture & Heritage Event:

"Take heart children. The journey will be long, but our cause is just."

This turned out to be a very successful event. We are considering making it an annual event. Let us know what you think. This Culture & Heritage Division event was presented with our community partners Georgia WAND and Camp Butterfly Girls.
“...secure the children first.” IYynla Vanzant
A Forum for Young People:
Children Express Their Feelings on Policing in Their Communities
Children between the ages of 8 and 12 will come together in a safe space to discuss with other children how they feel about recent police violence in their communities.
In a therapeutic environment, children will have the opportunity to express themselves and process how these occurrences affect them.
Using art and conversation they will be more empowered to develop a positive action that they can take in their own lives and nurture a sense of self-efficacy.
The forum participants will have the opportunity to develop a positive, collective action that they can take to make Effective, systemic change within their communities.
So, Now What?
We will be gathering to change the perception of helplessness the young people may feel due to their age. By demonstrating what’s possible, the forum participants will empower themselves to move forward without fear.
Take heart children. The journey will be long, but our cause is just.
“Everyone involved is responsible to secure the children first.” Iyanla Vanzant
This program was a Culture & Heritage Division event of the Black Heritage Museum & Cultural Center, Inc. presented in partnership with our community partners; Georgia Women's Action for New Direction (GA-WAND) and Camp Butterfly Girls.
**All children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, individual permission slips signed by a parent or guardian are required if children attend this event as part of an adult escorted group.**
Black Culture in America: Major Culture Project 1 Proposal - Striving & Thriving
When funded, our first major cultural project will look comprehensively at Black American life and culture in America from the post-Civil War period to the pre-Civil Rights era.
We find that many Americans have a gap of knowledge about the Black American experience in this country beyond slavery and prior to the civil rights era, except for the documentaries highlighting the exodus from the plantations of the South to the factories of the North. There was so much more.
We are confident that if we provide a thorough, comprehensive documentation of that period, more people will have a better understanding of and respect for the multi-dimensional character of Black people in America and the contributions made to the success of this society. They will also understand the apprehensions of some Black Americans when it comes to full inclusion into this society that they have helped form.
The audience for this work will be universal. The work will have scholastic purpose and will act as a relevant piece for historical reference. We are planning to make the work available to school age members of the public through their educational institutions.
The work will be available free of charge to all educational entities. If other members of the public show interest in the work beyond viewing it at the museum & cultural center facility, we will look into making segments of it available for download.
Initial steps will include engaging educators, historians, researchers, librarians, archivists, along with program development and management advisors who will assist in laying the foundation for what this project will need in order to successfully reach and affect the broadest possible audience.
Dismantling Racism in the Food System: An Onging Discussion
We held our first lecture presentation through our Culture & Heritage Division at the King Center in Atlanta in partnership with our food justice community partners. Dismantling Racism in the Food System An Ongoing Discussion was well attended and a great success. Look for more from us on this important issue.
For ways to support us as we build, please take a look at our Donor Levels page. Thank you so much for visiting our website!